Tutorial: Get Auth0 credentials

Part A: Create an Auth0 account

Step 1: Sign Up

Go to https://auth0.com/ and click on Sign Up


Step 2: Register

Enter your email and password and click on Next:


Step 3: Choose your tenant

  1. Fill the tenant
  2. Select your region (where data are stored)
  3. And click on Next

Step 4: Finalize your account

  1. Fill the information according to your profile
  2. Click on Create Account

Part B: Create a new application

Step 1: Open the new application form

  1. Select Application in the sidebar
  2. Click on Create Application

Step 2: Set the parameters

  1. Choose a name for your Application
  2. Select Single Page Web Applications
  3. And click on Create

Step 3: Get the parameters

  1. Select Settings
  2. Remember Domain and Client ID

Step 4: Set the callback URL

In Allowed Callback URLs, write your server URL :



Don’t forget the /callback

Step 5: Save the application

Click on Save Changes


Part C: Create a new API endpoint

Step 1: Open the new API form

  1. Select APIs in the sidebar
  2. Click on Create API

Step 2: Set the parameters

  1. Choose a name for your API
  2. Choose a random Identifier and remember it
  3. Select RS256 for the signing algorithm
  4. Click on Create

Step 3: Save the API

Click on Save


Part D: Create Admin rule

Step 1: Open the new Rule form

  1. Select Rules in the sidebar
  2. Click on Create your first rule

Step 2: Choose an empty rule template

  1. Click on empty rule

Step 3: Edit the new rule

  1. In the title, enter Admin For Metadata
  2. In the code, enter:
function (user, context, callback) {
  var requestedScopes = (
    context.request.body.scope ||
    .split(' ');

  if (user.app_metadata &&
      user.app_metadata.admin) {

  context.accessToken.scope = requestedScopes.join(' ');

  callback(null, user, context);
  1. And click on Save

Part E: Authentification providers

Select Connections in the sidebar

And configure your favorite authentification provider.

By default, Google is enabled.
